The leading internet gaming guide, Casino Guru, has teamed up with Gordon Moody, a British organization specializing in gambling addiction therapy, to introduce a complimentary online course on responsible gaming practices. The course, which debuted at GambleAware’s tenth yearly gathering, is intended for casino proprietors seeking to enhance their expertise and procedures, though players are also encouraged to join. Gordon Moody contributed their digital learning platform and remote classroom to the endeavor. This project expands upon Casino Guru’s Global Self-Exclusion Initiative, which assists individuals who desire to cease gambling altogether.
The program underscores that prevailing norms in responsible gaming still require enhancement. In addition to the content addressed in the free course, operators can also obtain tailored training via Gordon Moody’s educational platform. This will empower them to satisfy the requirements of progressively specialized markets that necessitate robust socially conscientious practices.
The course will be integrated into the Casino Guru Academy, which aspires to realize Casino Guru’s objective of a superior and more secure gaming sector. This marks the third course the company has introduced thus far, with the preceding two concentrating on client assistance and casino incentives.
This program delves into ethical gaming – consider it the fundamental guidelines for ensuring enjoyment and security. We’re even investigating how artificial intelligence can contribute to this endeavor.
Simon Vincze, the individual at Casino Guru who is dedicated to maintaining sustainability, is thrilled to have Gordon Moody, a seasoned expert in the domain, collaborating on this project.
They’ve structured this program as an accelerated course, delivering substantial content without squandering anyone’s precious time.